2014年8月29日 星期五

STEAM 沒辦法從光碟安裝遊戲

心血來潮看到古早買的PORTAL, 突然想回味一下
光碟裡的STEAM好像太舊沒法更新, 上網抓也沒多大,

但遊戲有2.3G, 這要等下載也要滿久的

看官網提供的 光碟安裝法

Using Steam launch options to install retail games from disc

  1. Log in to Steam and click on Library.
  2. Right-click on the game, select Delete local content, and confirm.
  3. Insert the first disc into your computer.
  4. Close Steam (Steam > Exit).
  5. Press Windows Key + R to open Run
  6. In the Run window type:

    "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -install E:Replace E: with the CD/DVD drive you are installing from if is not correct.
    Replace C:\Program Files\Steam if your Steam installation is not in the default location.
  7. Press OK.  Steam will launch and ask you to sign in if you do not have your password saved.  Your installation should continue from the disc. 

